
Global News

Maersk setting up cargo airline

Maersk setting up cargo airline

AP Moller-Maersk is launching a cargo airline as the top the container lines continue to expand their logistics and multimodal offerings. Marcus Hand | Apr 08, 2022 Maersk Air Cargo will be based out of Billund, the second largest airport in Denmark and will...

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

The race to decarbonize global shipping is in full stride with a multitude of proposed solutions. They’re today’s answer to “putting wind back in the sails.” Many leading shipping companies are planning to gradually transition to zero-carbon vessels, like Maersk's...

Plan in place to refloat Ever Forward

Plan in place to refloat Ever Forward

Salvors have put together a plan to refloat the containership aground outside Baltimore Port, Ever Forward, according to an update from Evergreen. Gary Howard | Mar 18, 2022 Evergreen has appointed salvor Donjon Smit to the vessel, and after multiple underwater...

LA/Long Beach queue set to max out again

LA/Long Beach queue set to max out again

The queue of vessels outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach is set to start growing again, according to a Sea-Intelligence report. Gary Howard | Mar 10, 2022 Using the fourth quarter of 2021 as a baseline, Sea-Intelligence modelled the cumulative change...

China to reduce port charges from April

China to reduce port charges from April

China’s Ministry of Transport and National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued notice to reduce port charges starting from 1 April. Katherine Si | Mar 04, 2022 Implementing a decision by an executive meeting of the State Council’s to reduce and...

Containership queues grow at Asian ports

Containership queues grow at Asian ports

Port congestion is growing in Asia with an increase in the average numbers of containerships per day waiting to berth at key ports according to analysts project44. Marcus Hand | Feb 18, 2022 The average number of ships waiting per day at Asian ports...

Cybersecurity and automation in shipping

Cybersecurity and automation in shipping

As shipping moves toward semi-autonomous and autonomous vessels Nir Ayalon, CEO and founder of Cydome, says cybersecurity needs to be at the forefront of people’s minds. Nir Ayalon, CEO and founder of Cydome | Feb 21, 2022 Covid has taught the shipping world a lot of...

Trade facilitation: Critical to COVID-19 recovery

Trade facilitation: Critical to COVID-19 recovery

Lines of trucks, often hundreds of vehicles long, were a frequent sight at many border crossings at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarantining of containers at sea ports and increased delays for restricted goods, including medicine and personal protective...

DP Word increases container volume by 11.9%

DP Word increases container volume by 11.9%

DP World handled 58.4m teu across its container terminals during in the January-September period, with container volumes increasing by 11.9% year-on-year on a reported basis and up 11.4% on a like-for-like basis. Michele Labrut | Oct 27, 2021 During the third...

‘Exceptional’ financial year for the Panama Canal

‘Exceptional’ financial year for the Panama Canal

The Panama Canal closed Fiscal Year 2021 (October 2020-September 2021) with historic PC/UMS (Panama Canal/ Universal Measurement System) tonnage transported through the waterway, increasing by 8.7 %, to 516.7m PC/UMS, up from 475.16m PC/UMS in FY 2020.  The...

PIL launching new service for China and Gulf areas

PIL launching new service for China and Gulf areas

Pacific International Lines (PIL) announced the launch of a new weekly direct service connecting Central and South China to the Gulf area in the Middle East. Katherine Si | Oct 26, 2021 Effective from 23 November 2021, this new service - Gulf China...

Local News

Malaysia’s tax collection among the lowest in the region

Malaysia’s tax collection among the lowest in the region

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is one of the lowest tax revenue collectors in Southeast Asia, with a tax-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio of 11.8 per cent.Malaysia University Science and Technology (MUST) economist Prof Emeritus Dr Barjoyai Bardai said Malaysia fell...

Malaysia to participate in military exercise in Thailand

Malaysia to participate in military exercise in Thailand

BANGKOK: Malaysia will join the 43rd Cobra Gold, the world's longest-running and largest multinational military exercise in South-east Asia, alongside troops from 30 nations in Thailand from February 27 to March 10.Co-hosted by the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the...

Singapore’s Just In Time Planning and Coordination Platform

Singapore’s Just In Time Planning and Coordination Platform

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore is implementing a scheme titled “Just-in-Time” for vessels arriving at its terminals and berths in Singapore. Our correspondent Spica reports that the purpose of this scheme is three-fold. Firstly to match vessels with...

Groundbreaking ceremony of Kuala Linggi International Port

Groundbreaking ceremony of Kuala Linggi International Port

Scheduled for completion in 42 months, KLIP’s vision is to transform Kuala Sungai Linggi into a Green Global Industrial Hub for Energy Source, Port and Maritime Services. The development plan includes the construction of tank storage, shipyard, heavy...

Hike in drug prices expected soon

Hike in drug prices expected soon

PETALING JAYA: Amid reports of pharmaceutical drug prices rising in the United States, the same may apply to Malaysia soon. Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS) president Prof Amrahi Buang said if drugmakers moved to raise prices in the United States, the prices of...

Malaysia committed to transparent medicine pricing

Malaysia committed to transparent medicine pricing

ANN/THE STAR – The Malaysian government is dedicated to promoting transparency in medicine pricing. The commitment aims to empower consumers by providing them with the necessary information to make informed choices and compare prices. The ministry is actively...

Recovery in logistics industry to spur AGX

Recovery in logistics industry to spur AGX

PETALING JAYA: ACE Market-bound AGX Group Bhd is poised for a better year in 2024, following an improvement in its working capital and operational efficiency amid a recovery in the logistics industry, says executive director and chief executive officer Datuk...

International News: Malaysian manufacturers warn of tripled freight rates due to Red Sea shipping crisis

International News: Malaysian manufacturers warn of tripled freight rates due to Red Sea shipping crisis

Ву Ноrасе Раlасіо: Тhе Fеdеrаtіоn оf Маlауѕіаn Маnufасturеrѕ (FММ) hаѕ іѕѕuеd а wаrnіng tо Маlауѕіаn ехроrtеrѕ аnd іmроrtеrѕ аbоut а ѕіgnіfісаnt hіkе іn frеіght rаtеѕ, ехресtеd tо trірlе іn 2024 соmраrеd tо thе рrеvіоuѕ уеаr. Тhіѕ еѕсаlаtіоn іѕ аttrіbutеd tо thе...



FOR industries dominated by the interconnected fabric of the Internet of Things (IoT), the prospect of streamlining the production and distribution of goods takes centre stage. Imagine the seamless interplay between devices, systems and data – optimising every aspect...

Malaysia wants to make Johor ‘new engine of growth’

Malaysia wants to make Johor ‘new engine of growth’

Economy minister hopes special economic zone with Singapore boosts tech, renewables KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysia hopes the southern state of Johor will become a "new engine of growth," as the country works to develop the border area with neighbor Singapore, its economy...